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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

about bee

Almost everyone knows that honey is an important food source for the human body, but very few people who realize the properties of the exceptional penghasilnya, the honey bee.

As we know, the food source the honey bee is the essence of flowers (nectar), which is not found in the winter. Hence, bees mix the nectar they gather in the summer with a special fluid that issued their bodies. This mixture produces a new nutritious substances-namely honey-and save it for next winter.

It is interesting to noted that the bees store honey so much more than they actually need. The first question that comes to mind is: why bees do not stop the creation of this excess amount, which seems a waste of time and energy? The answer to this question is hidden in the word "revelation [inspiration]" which has been given to the bees, as mentioned in this paragraph.

Bees produce honey not for themselves, but also for humans. Like other creatures in nature, bees are also dedicated himself to serve mankind; the same as the egg-laying chickens at least an every day despite not need it and cows that produce milk far exceeds the needs of her children.

Extraordinary settings The Bee Hive

Lives in a nest of bees and honey production is amazing. Without discussing too much detail, let us examine the main characteristics of "public life" of bees. Bees must carry out numerous "tasks" and they manage all this with extraordinary settings.

The design of hexagonal patches of honeycomb allows storage of honey in the plurality with a nest-making materials, ie candles, in the least amount. The bee is an insect 1-2 cm in size and he did the calculation with what has inspired his Lord.

Settings humidity and air exchange: The humidity nest, which makes honey has a high level of durability, must be maintained at certain limits. In the humidity above or below this limit, the honey will break down and lose the durability and nutrition. Similarly, the temperature of the nest should be 35 degrees Celsius for ten months in that year. To keep the nest temperature and humidity are to some extent, there is a special group in charge of maintaining air exchange.

If a hot day, looks the bees are setting up an exchange air in the hive. Nest entrance was filled with bees. While attached to the timber, they are fanning the nest with wings. In a standard hive, air entering from side pushed out on the other side. Bees air exchange regulator others working in the nest, pushing the air into every corner of the nest.

This air exchange device is also useful to protect the nests from the smoke and air pollution.

Structuring health: Efforts to maintain the quality of bee honey is not limited to humidity and heat settings. In the hive there is a network of excellent health care to control all events that may lead to the development of bacteria. The main purpose of this arrangement is to eliminate substances that may cause the bacteria. The principle is to prevent foreign substances entering the nest. For that, two guards are always placed at the door of the nest. When a foreign substance or insect enters the nest despite existing prevention measures, all bees act to throw from the nest.
Life of bees in the hive and the honey-making by them is amazing. Bees do a lot of "work" and they managed to do well through the setting (organization) is remarkable.

For foreign objects larger that can not be removed from the nest, use other means of defense. Bees membalsam foreign objects. They produce a substance that is called "propolis" (ie, resin bees) for pembalsaman. These bees sap produced by adding a special dye that they remove from the body to the sap collected from trees like pine, hawwar, and acacia. Sap bees are also used to patch the cracks in the nest. After ditambalkan the cracks, the dried sap when reacted with air and form a hard surface. Thus, the nest can survive from external threats. Bees use this substance in most of their work.

To this end, various questions arise in the mind. Propolis prevent any bacteria living in it. This makes propolis as the best substance for pembalsaman. How do bees know that the best substance tersebutlah? How do bees produce a substance, which can only be made humans in the laboratory and using technology, and with the understanding of chemistry? How did they know that the dead insects can cause bacterial growth and that pembalsaman will prevent this?

It is clear the bees do not have any knowledge about this, let alone the laboratory. The bee is an insect 1-2 cm in length, and he did it all with what has inspired his Lord.
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